

Twitter functions as a constant stream of information and updates, like a massive community message board. This is a great place to share your restaurant's latest updates, as well as keep a pulse on what your guests are saying about you and your competitors.

Of 18-24 year olds use Twitter

Of 25-30 year olds use Twitter

Gender Demographics

What kind of content can I post?
  • 280-character tweets
  • Photos
  • Links
  • Retweets of other user's tweets
  • Hashtags and gifs
  • Polls with questions
What should I post about?
  • Operational updates
  • Calls to action about promotions or specials 
  • Interacting with customer reviews 
  • Responding to customer questions or concerns 
Advertising on Twitter

Twitter allows you to promote your tweets and reach a vast audience through audience targeting. Promoted Tweets function the same as regular Tweets and can be retweeted, replied to, and favorited.

YouTube, TikTok, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Snapchat are other social networking sites to explore, each with its own audience and key areas of expertise. However, if you're new to social media, prioritizing your presence on "The Big Three" (FacebookInstagram, and Twitter) is a great way to get your foot in the door of social media.